Fresh and unique floral and gift deliveries throughout the Gladstone region, including Boyne Island, Tannum Sands and Calliope.


Wildflower Meadows dried Bouquet

Wildflower Meadows dried Bouquet


“Wildflower Meadows Bouquet” Beautiful handmade bouquet of dried and preserved mixed flowers; and comes wrapped in pink as pictured, the flowers are usually comprised of banksia, eucalyptus, tea tree and many more but do vary slightly due to availability. We select only the best and posy is made with love. Flowers that can be enjoyed for a long time instead of just a week or so, this design is great value for money and one of our best sellers!

*Preserved flowers are delicate and fragile, we recommend displaying your preserved flowers in a spot where they will not be bumped or knocked easily, where they will be out of direct sunlight or draughts, and in a cool dry area. The flowers may change over time due to weather conditions and other factors and general wear and tear as they are still a natural product. Flowers used have been firstly dried and then processed so they are in a preserved state.

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